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Dog Groomer Risk Assessment

Dog Grooming Risk Assessment Form


The Dog Grooming Risk Assessment Form is fully loaded with business risks and how they can be reduced or mitigated.  

  • The Grooming Risk Assessment template is fully loaded with business risks and ways that they can be reduced or mitigated.  You  can leave any risks or remedies that suit your business model, and the rest can be removed or adapted to suit.  


    Risk Assessments are a great tool for checking if you have all the written procedures and policies that your staff and business need.  If a risk remains 'medium' or 'high' after listing how it is covered, it may be worth considering if additional risk reduction procedures, policies and meaures may be required.  

  • This form has been created in Microsoft Word and is fully amendable.   You must have access to Microsoft Word or Microsoft 365 to make the required changes to this template. Documents can also be amended in Google Docs with some additional adjustments to the table formats.


    Alternatively I can make the changes for you and send a PDF copy of your finished document that you complete on paper.

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