Dog Home Boarding Children Risk Assessment
The Dog Home Boarding Risk Assessment Form for Children is an expanded document template for those asked to conmplete a more detailed assessment when mixing children and dogs as a Home Boarder.
The expanded Children Risk Assessment form template is already loaded with risks, however you can add more if you wish. Add a brief statement for each risk to explain how you have mitigated each risk as a Home Boarder, and it is ready to send to your council inspector.
Risk Assessments are a great tool for checking if you have written enough in your procedures and policies. Should a risk remain 'medium' or 'high' after listing your control actions, it may be worth considering if there is an alternative, more robust method of reducing the risk.
This is not a mandatory form for applying for a Dog Home Boarding licence in England. The wide ranging Risk Assessment temnplate within the Forms Pack should be sufficient; however if your council inspector requires something more detailed based on their visit, this expanded form template will help.
This form has been created in Microsoft Word and is fully amendable. You must have access to Microsoft Word or Microsoft 365 to make the required changes to this template. Documents can also be amended in Google Docs with some additional adjustments to the table formats.
Alternatively I can make the changes for you and send a PDF copy of your finished document that you complete on paper.