Dog Walking Forms Bundle Offer
The Dog Walking Forms Bundle Offer includes 5 document templates plus 4 hours of consultancy support to complete the templates for you.
The Bundle Offer includes The Dog Walker Template Pack and 4 hours of one-to-one support. The support time can be used to fill in your pack, to talk you through the pros and cons of payment schedules and cancellation policies for your terms and conditions, consider solo walks vs group walks, or help you work out your pricing.
The Dog Walker Template Pack contains a Customer Registration Form and a Service Agreement for customers to complete and sign, plus a Meet & Greet Checklist and a note slip for leaving a customer note when you drop off their dog. There is also a merged version of the Registration and Terms for those who prefer a single form.
The vet release, key consent, off-lead consent is built into the documents rather than having things on separate forms; customers no longer have time for lots of forms, and this approach suits them better.